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Stella-Jones organizes an award-winning Investor Day with Lumi Global's platform


Client: Stella-Jones
Industry: Pressure-treated wood products manufacturing
Challenge: Enhancing stakeholder communication and effectively conveying key business messages
Solution: Utilizing Lumi Global’s platform and Lumi Experience venue for a seamless hybrid IR meeting experience
Results: An Investor Day that garnered industry praise and an award for best small to mid-cap investor event


Stella-Jones, a North American manufacturer of pressure-treated wood products, has been in business since 1992. Their operations primarily service the utility and railway needs of Canada and the United States, positively impacting the continent.  

With a team of over 3,000, Stella-Jones takes pride in delivering essential products and services that support the infrastructure needs of the economy. Their inaugural Investor Day aimed to highlight the critical role of their products, while offering an engaging and inclusive experience for both in-person and virtual attendees. To achieve this, they enlisted Lumi Global, resulting in a well-attended and successful event.


The challenge

Enhancing stakeholder communication and conveying key messages effectively

Stella-Jones’s first Investor Day in May 2023 was designed to enhance communication with the financial community, including analysts, investors and other business partners. The event aimed to effectively highlight the strength of the business and its team and deliver key messages to its attendees.

After the era of virtual-only meetings due to the Covid-19 pandemic, Stella-Jones chose a hybrid format to maximize attendance. This approach would ensure a quality experience for both in-person and virtual participants. The execution needed to be transparent, seamless, and integrated to accommodate every audience member, regardless of location.


The solution

Utilizing the Lumi Global platform for an exceptional hybrid IR meeting experience

Having previously used the Lumi Global platform for their annual shareholder meetings, the Stella-Jones team was familiar with Lumi’s meeting technology. However, hosting their first Investor Day required a robust in-person experience component. They therefore chose to stage the event at the Lumi Global Experience venue in Toronto, Canada.

“When organizing a large-scale event with many moving parts, it is reassuring to count on a team that can provide support with high-quality production value, technology, and a turnkey solution.”
Stephanie Corrente, Director of Corporate Communications at Stella-Jones


Ensuring parity of experience

The event ensured parity of experience between in-person and virtual audiences. Presentations were kept succinct to maintain the attention of virtual attendees, with all six presenters fitting their talks into their allotted timeframes. The hour-long Q&A session, moderated by Stella-Jones’ President and Chief Executive Officer was interactive for virtual attendees, incorporating questions from both the room and Lumi Global’s online Q&A platform.

Lumi’s in-house production team kept the webcast dynamic by changing camera angles, zooming in on presentation materials, and showing attendees asking questions. Multiple language preferences were catered to, with presentation slides available in both English and French.

“We have made use of the full suite of meeting features that the Lumi Global platform has to offer, and we’ve certainly leveraged it as much as we could for the benefit of our audience.”
Stephanie Corrente, Director of Corporate Communications at Stella-Jones


Engaging the in-person audience

For the in-person audience, the day included a product showcase, with kiosks hosted by key product category leaders, focused on utility poles, railway ties, and residential lumber. Investors and analysts also had opportunities to interact with members of management during breaks and over lunch.

“The event space and meeting technology combined to allow us to seamlessly create a fulsome experience for our participants.”
Stephanie Corrente, Director of Corporate Communications at Stella-Jones


The results

An Investor Day that garnered praise from attendees and the industry

Lumi Global facilitated a 360-degree experience for Stella-Jones’s Investor Day, receiving very positive reactions both internally and externally.

The positive feedback from attendees was reaffirmed when Stella-Jones won the award for best small to mid-cap investor event at the 2024 IR Magazine Awards in Canada.

Partnering with Stella-Jones was a privilege for Lumi Global. The success of their inaugural Investor Day has provided the IR team with a robust hybrid event blueprint for future investor events.

The Lumi Global platform sits on technology that allows the end experience to be fluid and impactful. This allows audiences to take in and retain the intended message.”
Stephanie Corrente, Director of Corporate Communications at Stella-Jones



Stella-Jones’s successful inaugural Investor Day, facilitated by Lumi Global, highlighted the importance of modernizing stakeholder communication through hybrid event solutions. The event not only enhanced the company’s engagement with the financial community, but also set the bar high for future investor events, earning industry-wide recognition.

To find out more about how Lumi Global can help your business create exceptional Investor Day events and experiences, click here to speak to a member of our team today.