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The key benefits of making member meetings accessible


Whether you're organizing your business's next Board meeting, election, or AGM, it's crucial to prioritize meeting accessibility to guarantee that every individual, irrespective of their background or circumstances can actively engage and feel a sense of inclusion.

Member meetings are a forum for members to debate amendments, resolutions and vote on important issues. They should, therefore, possess a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere that accommodates the diverse insights and perspectives of all members. In this blog, we'll explore the advantages of holding accessible member meetings, as well as suggest tips for fostering open and inclusive meeting environments for your attendees. 


10 Reasons why accessibility is important for member meetings

A commitment to meeting accessibility not only fosters a culture of respect and consideration, but also promotes a more equitable and effective meeting environment where every voice is valued and heard. Some other advantages of prioritising accessibility during member-based meetings

  1. Encourages full participation
    Accessibility empowers every member to engage completely in meetings, ensuring their voices are recognized and considered.
  2. Fosters an inclusive environment
    It cultivates an environment where all members, irrespective of their abilities or circumstances, feel included and valued.
  3. Can motivate improved meeting attendance
    Offering accessibility accommodations enables members, who might otherwise be unable to participate, to be visible and have their voices heard.
  4. Demonstrates consideration for members
    With over five million paying trade union members in the UK alone, ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to share their experiences and voice their opinions demonstrates respect and consideration for all members, fostering an open and positive culture.
  5. Showcases diverse perspectives
    Ensuring accessibility can increase the diversity of perspectives and experiences represented in meetings.
  6. Improves meeting effectiveness
    It can improve the effectiveness of meetings by allowing all members to understand and contribute to discussions fully.
  7. It's cost-effective 
     Accessibility accommodations can often be relatively simple and cost-effective to implement.
  8. Can provide legal protection
    It can also safeguard the organization against possible legal disputes initiated by members.
  9. Enhanced reputation
    Prioritizing accessibility can significantly bolster the organization's standing and trustworthiness.
  10. Promotes equity
    Ultimately, making member meetings accessible is not just a best practice, but a moral imperative that fosters equity and guarantees that every participant is respected and given a fair chance to contribute.


How do you make a member meeting accessible?


From choosing a venue to using the right meeting technology to coordinate the day, there are lots of considerations when it comes to increasing the accessibility of your organisation's next member meeting.

1. Choose the right the meeting format

The format of the meeting is crucial in determining accessibility. Some members may have different needs depending on whether the meeting is in-person, online, or a hybrid of both. Here are a few considerations: 

  • Hybrid meetings
    Offer both in-person and virtual attendance options. This allows members with different needs and preferences to choose the format that works best for them.
  • Clear communication
    Ensure the agenda, documents, and any pre-meeting materials are shared well in advance in accessible formats (e.g. large print, screen-reader-friendly).
  • Interactive elements
    Utilize tools like live polls, Q&A sessions, and real-time chat features to encourage active participation from all attendees.

2. Consider the venue carefully

If the meeting is held in person, the physical environment must be accessible to all members. When choosing a venue, consider the following:

  • Location accessibility
    Ensure the venue is easy to reach via public transport and offers accessible parking options.
  • Physical accessibility
    The venue should have ramps, elevators, and accessible restrooms. Check that the meeting room is on a single level or that there are appropriate accommodations for members with mobility issues.
  • Acoustics and visibility
    Choose a venue with good acoustics and ensure that speakers are easily visible. Provide assistive listening devices and make sure that any presentations or speakers can be clearly seen from all parts of the room.

3. Make ease of registration a priority 

Making the registration process as smooth and inclusive as possible is essential for ensuring that all members can attend the meeting without difficulty:

  • Accessible registration forms
    Ensure that online registration forms are accessible, compatible with screen readers, and easy to navigate. Offer alternative registration methods, such as phone or mail, for those who may need them.
  • Assistance options
    Provide clear instructions on how members can request assistance or accommodations during registration, such as interpreters, dietary needs, or mobility aids.
  • Confirmation and reminders
    Send accessible confirmation emails and reminders, offering members the opportunity to confirm any special requirements or ask questions.

4. Prioritize parity between online and in-room attendees

In hybrid meetings, it’s crucial to ensure that both online and in-room attendees have a comparable experience:

  • Equal participation opportunities
    Use technology to allow online attendees to participate in discussions, ask questions, and provide feedback in real-time, just like those in the room.
  • Dedicated moderators
    Assign a moderator to monitor online interactions and ensure that virtual attendees are heard and included in the conversation.
  • High-quality audio/video
    Invest in high-quality microphones and cameras to ensure that online participants can see and hear everything clearly. Provide live captions and sign language interpreters if needed.

5. Ensure everyone is equally able to vote

When voting is part of the meeting, it’s essential that every member, regardless of how they are attending, can cast their vote easily and securely:

  • Accessible voting platforms
    Ensure that the voting platform is accessible to all members, including those using screen readers or other assistive technologies.
  • Multiple voting methods
    Offer various voting options—online, by phone, or in person—to accommodate different needs and preferences.
  • Clear instructions
    Provide clear, concise instructions on how to vote, and ensure that support is available for those who may need assistance.

For more tips and advice, take a look at our blog all about how to make your AGM inclusive.

The power of accessible member meetings: A Lumi Global case study


In 2023, The Gumala Aboriginal Corporation (GAC) boosted the attendance at their AGM by 32% with the help of a hybrid meeting solution. A number of measures were taken to make the meeting more inclusive, accessible, and engaging for those who attended in person or virtually. 

Thanks to Lumi Global's advanced meeting technology, members of The GAC were able to undertake online voting in the ballot for The Gumala Aboriginal Corporation board. Keypads were in use during the voting process, with three different language groups represented and different polls held for each language group. Lumi Global's electronic voting system ensured precision, with only the correct votes being counted for each poll. The hybrid format of the meeting ensured that the meeting had a broad reach, so that the maximum amount of members had the opportunity to attend.


Together with Lumi Global, The GAC were able to create an environment where every individual, regardless of their location or circumstances, could actively engage and contribute to the meeting. This inclusive approach not only facilitated a sense of unity among attendees but also showcased Lumi Global's commitment to fostering a truly accessible and equitable meeting experience for all.


Find out more about Lumi Global's hybrid meeting solutions and how they can boost your organizations next member meeting here.  

Member engagement guide

Holding regular member meetings is a brilliant way to build trust with your organization's members and increase member value and engagement.

Download our guide to explore strategies for increasing member value, crafting a strong engagement strategy, and enhancing member interaction.

  • How to increase member value
  • What a good membership engagement strategy looks like
  • Practical tips for enhancing member interaction and affinity

Download the member engagement guide PDF

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